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in reply to Verodius

That's a Glaceon you philistine. Vaporeon is the one that in terms of male human and female Pokemon breeding , is the most compatible Pokemon for humans. While they are in field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals Glaceon is an average of 2'07" and is lighter than Vaporeon. This means they are NOT large enough to be able to handle human dicks. They also have much lower HP stat, prioritizing Special Attack instead and with access to Freeze Dry, you can be sure to get your dick frostbitten. While ice is water, I doubt that aroused Glaceon even if wet could let you have sex for more than a minute before succumbing you to hypothermia. While they can learn moves like Attract, Baby-Doll eyes, Charm and Tail Whip, they are more likely to use Covet to steal your walet. Also they have fur so no nipples for you. With their ability Snow Cloak and Ice Body, they can easily run away from your zoophile ass into the snowstorm, leaving you frozen like Jack Nicholson at the end of Shining. Also, fun fact if you pull out enough, you can make cum popsicles. Glaceon isn't built for human dick. None of the Pokemon are.


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