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That's what I always thought. Peoples think the left/right axis is the most important, while it has always been the authoritarian/libertarian axis that really define things.

A LibLeft will find more common groungds with a LibRight than with a AuthLeft, I guarantee you.


in reply to Princeso Bubblegum

he was an ok dude

The guy killed between 7,230,000 and 9,551,000 peoples.

This is why no one take your seriously, Bubblegum. In fact, I think I actually despise you even worse than conservatards, because your stupid ideology stain the entire left by association. All we want is healthcare, more respect toward the environnment, more gender equality and less racism. But everytime we try to push that agenda forward, there is one of your idiotic commie in the back shouting 'THE USSR WAS BASED, NATIONALIZE THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION, LENIN WAS A CHAD' and then no one take us seriously. I actually think you peoples did more damage to the left credibility than the conservatives ever did.

Get with the time, Bubblegum. Either do like the rest of the left and just accept the USSR was a failed dictatorship that brought only economical failure, political authoritarism and oppression, or just get the fuck out of my side of the quadrant already.


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