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Wall of Text - Me trying to read the reply of a 14-year-old communist telling me why capitalism is bad.

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Shadow of the Void
Shadow of the Void

Soviet-style communism is bad.

Unregulated capitalism is bad.

Whether it's central planners in a one-party state or obscenely wealthy oligarchs, putting too much economic power in the hands of an unaccountable class of elites is a bad thing. Just because nominally communist regimes are run by total shitheads, including some that have murdered scores of their own people, doesn't mean capitalism is all sunshine and rainbows. Capitalists have demonstrated they're more than willing to do all sorts of horrible things for the sake of profit if they think they can get away with, up to and including overthrowing democratically-elected governments, exploiting literal slave labor, and even outright murder, not to mention turning a blind eye to civilization-threatening pollution they're responsible for.

There clearly has to be some middle ground between the two extremes, between Stalinism and Ayn Rand. Most developed countries outside the United States have found that middle ground. They're democratic nations that allow for a market economy but don't give corporations free reign to do whatever.


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