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in reply to KZN02

Basically she looked at her YouTube metrics on stream, and it showed she had viewers in Taiwan. I don’t even think she SAID the word Taiwan.

So naturally the fact that Youtube shows Taiwan as a different place than China, this meant she was taking a hard political stance. Even though it’s Youtube that said it and not her.

Thus she got bombarded by spam from Chinese viewers calling for her to quit or far worse threats, even after her suspension. It continued even when she would appear in collabs on other channels, resulting in many of her streams and streams she appeared in being set to chat with members of the channel only allowed (and even then some would go so far as to join memberships JUST to continue the spam). And while they would obviously never come out and say that is a factor in why Coco is graduating (since it would mean the spammers tactics worked), it’s almost a given since being bombarded with hate for 8+ months, no matter how much love you also get, is hard on a person. She’s also said it kept her from wanting to collab sometimes as she worried about bringing the hate wave to other people’s channels; there’s a really touching moment where the spam starts up on a collab with Flare, and she quietly thanks Flare as she switches the chat off, and later she talks about hoping Coco doesn’t think it’s her own fault for all the crap she has to deal with.

So yeah, that’s what China did.


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