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Nox Lucis
Nox Lucis

in reply to Spyfox

Gonna draw my MC which I've used as a self-insert for performing Freudian psychoanalysis on myself jacking off to 14yo booba to own the weebs.

Evangelion is a peculiarity to me. I've heard people go so far as to call it the greatest anime ever made. It has countless fans who take it super seriously. I thoroughly enjoyed watching it, but in an ironic sort of way. I truly have never laughed harder while watching anime. At the "Congratulations!" scene I fucking died. And the thing is, I get it. I understand the Freudian and Jungian symbology and themes, I see how Abrahamic themes are being used to give an air of exoticism to spiritual themes from Shinto. I understand how Shinji is supposed to be relatable as this anxious knot of psychosexual human id.

This is why I find it so funny. It's the most cosmic penis joke ever told wrapped up in a thousand layers of artistic pretence.


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