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ResetEra - Celebrating canceling Scott Cawthon into retirement

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ResetEra celebrating the "fall" of one of their "enemies." Nothing new has changed.

Question: what has ResetEra ever actually DONE for Gays and other CRT minorities in the industry? What have they ever actually accomplished besides leaking games and making the industry a WORSE place to work for those involved?


Scott Cawthon is pro-life. He went on record describing the days-old embryo in his wife as one of his children.

Now, I think that this is ridiculous. But since he believes this, this by extension means he genuinely believes that upwards of 800,000 people are being killed every year RIGHT AS WE SPEAK. And say what you want about even the most vile Republicans, they are not CURRENTLY executing 800,000 LGBT people per year.

Again, I think this is ridiculous, but I don't see why other people on the left can't recognize that these are legitimate beliefs that people have, and that like most people, they view ongoing mass murder as a greater evil than potential persecution.


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