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Even by the standards of Greek mythology, the origin of Medusa (cursed by Athena for being raped by Poseidon on Athena's property) always stood out to me as one of the most messed up details of all; I struggle to fathom how any culture at any time in human history could have conceived/interpreted that story in any way other than portraying the gods as actively malevolent. Especially since Athena is supposed to be more level-headed amongst the gods as portrayed in other narratives.


in reply to AnonBlah867

The thing with Mythology is that it was basically ancient stan culture and fanfiction, Athenians especially were the scourge of ancient Wattpad because not only were they the moderators who could just purge the records of anything they didn't agree with but also they were extremely biased towards their waifu Athena to the point were instead of praising her they instead defamed every other god the biggest example being Hephaestus who in all stories is a genius inventor loner who hates the other gods for their flippant shenanigans, but then in the story featuring Athena he's just a rapist and that's it the story goes nowhere after that.


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