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in reply to AnonBlah867

Back when GamerGate was still happening, some prominent figureheads on the side of the debacle that thought ResetEra is a good place claimed that they "weren't taking your toys away" when they called for games to stop having anything remotely risque or potentially-offensive. I think Sarkeesian herself might've said it, although I may be misremembering the ordeal.

This particular meme mocks how patronizing the statement was and insinuates that it wasn't really accurate--the "woke" side really did want to shut down everything they didn't like. That crowd still exists, really, given the state of the festering pustule that is Twitter.

Sunsoft Bass
Sunsoft Bass

Another big example of how the rethoric of "We aren't taking away your toys" is bullshit, look at the Take-Two conference that happened in E3 2021, not only it looked like a Zoom meeting, but it was 45 minutes of talking about "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion", but no games revealed, people wanted GTA VI and got this.

They made pretty much the worst E3 event in the history of E3, surpassing all the cringy events with people waggling controllers and twerking on the stage, their political agendas really are ruining entertainment for the same reason why christian movies are almost never good.


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