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ThunderCats - TIL that even Garfield is a better ThunderCats show than Roar

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in reply to King Needlenose

*raises hand*

As much as I've made fun of ThunderCats Roar, Masters of the Universe: Revelation, Netflix She-Ra, and other similar reboots and shows, I don't condone sending death threats to the people behind these shows. It only makes your own position look bad, and is just shitty in general regardless of the people involved.


in reply to King Needlenose

(raises hand)

As sheeps44 said, show sucks.

I don't have the mental energy for threats and death wishes unless it's something actually threatening me and within melee range. Anything else, thing bad, avoid thing, won't recommend thing but will refuse to elaborate further.

The only reason why I even bother remembering CalArts is a thing is because there's a repeating pattern even a monkey would recognize; Just like one always gets their hands burnt whenever they touch flames or hot coals, the beady eyes on beanie faces became a mark we learned to instinctively avoid, you have to make actual mental gymnastics to give it the benefit of doubt (could be the next World of Gumball!), and when you get burnt again by the metaphorical flames of another disaster, it's another win for your caveman instincts.


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