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238 Views Created 12 years ago By Dr. Gregory Horse The Pony Medic • Updated 6 years ago

Created By Dr. Gregory Horse The Pony Medic • Updated 6 years ago

So that was my First brush with death. Wouldn' be the last, believe me Pavo still Feels crummy about the whole thing, but everypohy makes mistales. For example, / should have been wearing my helmet Princess Celestia is nothing iF not (And gorgeous,o To his credit Pavo has become a damh Fihe knight block answer Ah, but would you lke to be Celestia's coltfriendlcompanion/imate? Let me put it to you this way: in Equestria, a Coal is told three things. Mommy loves you, Daddy loves you, and Princess Celestia loves you ce She would do ahything For us and I would do ahything For her. I consider myself Fortunate to have experienced that boundless love First hahd Now, the Princess seems parficularly voracious to you, just remember that she's been without peer For a millennia. Maybe that appetite For intimacy is how she stays connected to us mere mortals Some Pellas still haven't learhed hot to get jealous cusader asked you: block answerX I drink to your heath good sir Salote ㄇ block answer Does the guard get an allowance of Liquor, ordered stay dry or don't care out all outside duty? We're soldiers hot monks As long as we report For duty cleah and sober, we're allowed to cut loose on our down time 'm particularly Fond of the limited-edition hard cider that Sweet Apple Acres produces I secure a cask For myself every season Mr. Macintosh is quite the brewmaster metro의 asked you; block answer What kind of drunk are you? Chatty, it would seenm. block answerX Good day captain, Fancy a cup of tea and slice of cake? Also no need to fret rs proper Yokeshire tea and if cakes don't take your fancy, I got scones and crumpets. Good old tea and crumpets, it's what keeps me going. Well that and I can't feel much pain from all the knocks to the head Oops sorry sir didnt mean to yammer and leave your wating crumpetiess, how many sugars do you take? Here's a little joke we like to tell What do you call a guardspohy thaf doesn't drink? A liar


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