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Squid Game - the moral of the story is that studio executives literally have no idea what will actually entertain people

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On the flip side, this could have easily become a flop. Not only don't executives know what the people want but even the people don't know what they want until they it's given to them. And I'm sure he's not the only one who is having there story rejected. For every one of him there are sadly multiple others who never get their work to see the light of day no matter how many studios they shop around. I am glad for him to be one of the success stories, though.


in reply to TwilightStrikes231

Look at all the movies that flopped in the theaters, but are considered classics. Wizard of Oz and Shawshank Redemption were commercial flops, despite critical acclaim. Some like Princess Bride, Big Trouble in Little China, or Spaceballs never even got their acclaim upon release and were only later vindicated.

Nobody knows anything for certain. While you can see some train wrecks a mile away, it's impossible to predict what ideas will work and what ones won't.


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