primitivs transhumanism vs transhumanist primitivism
Uploaded by SteelWolf Oct 12, 2021 at 04:33PM EDT
Origin Entry: Anarcho-Primitivism
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Phone bad go outside, stfu stupid boomer thinks he can tell me what to do smh, yes ted Kaczynski no more industrial society
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anarcho-communism vs anarcho-capitalism vs anarcho-primitivism: Thesis: Antithesis: Synthesis: Capitalism can't function without a state. Capitalism can't function with a state. Nothing should be allowed to function.
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bitches be like e-girl this and e-boy that how about you disable the e-lectricity grid - ted kaczynski Anarcho-Primitivism meme
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anprim patrick - civilization 5 imma keep it real with you cheif, im not building a city, Anarcho-Primitivism
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anprim patrick - Agriculture civilization 5, civ 5, worst game I've ever played, Anarcho-Primitivism
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I don't care if it's "how you win" I'm not building roads and cities - anprim patrick, Anarcho-Primitivism
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wow this is your room it's so cool pol pot khmer rouge unabomber ted kaczynski anprim cave anarcho-primitivism
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Anarcho-Primitivism picardia - when you're one mental breakdown away from supporting pol pot
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Anarcho-Primitivism - primitivs transhumanism vs transhumanist primitivism
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