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in reply to Quiet_boi

Okay, so the guy who always goes to bat for Yoko Taro on Drakengard 5: Crying Robots with Big Asses. He says the combat director at Platinum wanted to try applying the Nier combat system to Multi-player. This was at the same that Combat director was also making Jojo Cops in Space for Nintendo. A couple Square-Enix producer notes, and managment shake-ups at Platinum later, what we have now is "Square-Enix pays Platinum to make Destiny Clone," but because Covid Delays, it and every other Square-Enix game needs to be released all in the same month right before the end of the finical year, but also Namco and Kadokawa are releasing Not-Dark Souls 4 on a Horse at the same time for the same delay based reasons, but they have the power of Autismo fucks on /v/ to hype up their shit, meaning everything that isn't Kirby is going to get fucking buried.

That make sense?


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