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the virgin criston cole vs the chad kingmaker | /r/FreeFolk
Uploaded by Reddit Moments Oct 19, 2022 at 03:25PM EDT
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Let's start the Eulogy now: It's so hard, to say good-bye, to yesterdaaay a Fond Farewell to the Eye-taker | /r/FreeFolk
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"How else could Rhaenys and Meleys escape Dragonpit? It was the only way to get out of Dragonpit" How indeed. | /r/FreeFolk
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Weirder than the Rhaenys scene is the fact that Otto goes to Dragonstone next episode. I simply refuse to believe that Daemon wouldn’t have killed him. The war is already declared with the Green coronation. I suppose Crispy will be there as well | /r/Free
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/r/freefolk - the virgin criston cole vs the chad kingmaker | /r/FreeFolk
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