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Sift Green
Sift Green

in reply to Quiet_boi

Of course they will, after all they had to come up with something for Gardevoir too.

I mean take a good look at Gardevoir's original sprites and early 3D models and you'll see that their is very little feminine about them. The two things that are normally pointed to as being womanly are Gardevior's 'dress' and hair, but both of those can be explained away by the fact that Gardevoir is based on the knight in a ballet: this makes Gardevoir's dress an exaggerated knightly robe that a male ballet dancer would wear to swirl around in the dance and it makes Gardevoir's hair a helmet. In other words Gardevior's original design was slightly more masculine than gender neutral.

So why do we all think of Gardevoir as female first? Because it's previous evolution Kirlia is so overtly a little ballerina girl that our mind looked at Gardevoir's gender neutral features first, saw them as feminine, and then reinterpreted what was supposed to be masculine traits as feminine ones.

The same thing will probably happen here, because while their is very little that's overtly feminine about this new pokemon's design its' leaked previous evolution is overtly a girl's doll, so our minds will notice the feminine abut this design first thanks to that.


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