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in reply to Rynjin

She didn't need god powers to stab a person begging to be stabbed. but no she hesitated like always and because of that Madara got the eye needed to use the infinite Tsukuyomi and inadvertently revive Kaguya.

Sakura isn't useless because she's weak she's actually pretty strong, no she's useless because she flipflops from dumbass to coward at the worst possible moments, when in dumbass mode she gets in the way of everybody by being a prideful prick, biggest example of this is when SHE POISONED NARUTO THINKING SHE COULD SIGLE HANDEDLY BEAT SASUKE AND HIS GROUP LEADING A STILL POISONED NARUTO TO SAVE HER SORRY ASS ALMOST HAVING HIM DIE IN THE PROCESS (also during that time she was emotionally manipulating Naruto), for an example of cowardice see the first text block but know that that is just one of many times where she froze at a critical moment.


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