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Conspiracy Theories - People think putting these up is about the environment but it's actually part of a sinister plot...

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in reply to H-BOMB

Do you know what's a lot more aesthetically pleasing than discount GoldSrc Engine level geometry, can provide shade during summer or heat during winter, prevents soil erosion with its roots, provides shelter for birds and can't be completely ruined by one thrown rock?



On the one hand trying to replace trees with a shitty "eco-friendly" tech startup garbage product is kind of a dick move in my opinion.

On the other hand, turning cities into Unreal Tournament maps would be a dream come true for me, at least from an aesthetic standpoint. In fact, I think we should bring back High-Tech Architecture in general, don't stop until the entire city looks like one continuous industrial refinery with brightly lit office spaces peeking out from behind writhing masses of pipes and ventilation ducts atop skyward pillars of concrete and steel, with massive jumbotrons peering down every street with careful planning taken to make sure that not a single building's exterior has been maximized for looking as inorganic, mechanical and cluttered as possible. The Lloyd's Building in London should be the template for such a project's aesthetic.

So… I guess make the tank out of metal and put huge rivets and pipes all over it and maybe a couple dingy fluorescent tube lamps on it and I guess it's fine.


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