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Super Mario - Headcanon Peach is actually all nerdy when not in princess duty

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Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

The Milli Vanilli sweater is something from Super Show if anyone's not aware. Before the group was exposed for lip-syncing and not being the actual singers behind their songs, there was an entire episode about the heroes going to see a Milli Vanilli concert and King Koopa (as Bowser was still known as at the time) kidnaps the group in order to satisfy his daughter Kootie Pie (Super Show's version of Wendy O. Koopa, the show was made before Nintendo clarified the Koopalings aren't Bowser's kids and for some unknown reason the cartoon didn't use the Koopalings game names).

After Milli Vanilli got exposed, all later airings of the episode (including the home release versions) removed all mentions of Milli Vanilli by name, so the only way to see the original version of the episode is find a VHS rip from someone who recorded it on their VCR back in the day.


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