shinji in the hospital over asuka’s comatose body:
Uploaded by Philipp May 24, 2023 at 01:21PM EDT
cogs fluid john cogs neon genesis evangelion shinji ikari
Origin Entry: Cogs Fluid
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When you jokingly tell your werewolf boyfriend that you want werewolf cream in your coffee but didn't realize they're in heat
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I see most of you are fans of my fluid.. I must admit that due to an NDA I can no longer post videos of my marvellous #CogsFluid.
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A rather rudimentary fluid, but still a great one! This provided inspiration for my infamous Cogs Fluid....
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Experimenting with exposing my #CogsFluid to higher levels of heat tonight! Interesting effects have been observed..
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Cogs Fluid - shinji in the hospital over asuka’s comatose body:
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