Breaking Bad Mexico filter Terremoto is Earthquake Oye is singular while Primos is plural There are literally two cousins named Nacho and Nachito which is the same thing but Nachito is Little Nacho Gordita means fatty or chubby And cuquita means Little C
Uploaded by Phillip Hamilton Jun 16, 2023 at 11:26AM EDT
disney primos meme primos racist meme oye primos
Origin Entry: Disney's "Primos" Racism Controversy
File type: jpg
Resolution: (436px x 790px)
File size: 69.9 KB
Disney's "Primos" Racism Controversy - Breaking Bad Mexico filter Terremoto is Earthquake Oye is singular while Primos is plural There are literally two cousins named Nacho and Nachito which is the same thing but Nachito is Little Nacho Gordita means fatty or chubby And cuquita means Little C
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