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261 Views Created 11 months ago By Reddit Moments • Updated 6 months ago

Created By Reddit Moments • Updated 6 months ago

My friends like me as another person. No.902666700 07/15/23(Sat)21:44:28 Screenshot_2023 0716 011346.jpg JPG 30.4 KiB 465x393 >be me >guy >inside out, upside down. >part of a discord friend group, we have both fembots and guys there, both irl and online (I'm an irl friend). >have random urge to make a new account pretending to be a girl to infiltrate the group >use old account from 2019 to not be suspicious >Make a whole persona, but don't stray away from my usual personality, just give it dents to make it look girlish. >join my friends (public) community server where all my friends are in >Talk, have fun >ffw a month, i'm now part of the friend group, talk to myself even to make it convincing >I recently told them from my non acting account that I'm going for a vacation in a remote area with no wifi, all good. >Talk to them with other account more. >Today, I talked to them for 5 hours with the account. >Joined the vc and f----- around, didn't talk much to not blow my cover. > After a whole 5 hours of laughter, memes, etc. i realised something. >They like me better as this persona than : me. >I enjoyed this 5 hours more than I do in my usual account. What do I do \b\ros. I'm just honestly confused. I don't even feel betrayed, i just don't know what to do. 3 replies No.902666905 07/15/23(Sat)21:49:49 jfzJjb3mCyU.jpg JPG 116.5 KiB 564x564 >>902666700 (OP) >be me >bored >create girl account on dating app >hundreds matches every day >a lot of people message me, trying to please me >realize no one needs me as a male >remember females irl I knew >they had a lot of friends and lovers I hate myself. I hate myself. I hate myself. I hate myself. I hate myself. I hate myself. I hoto voolf Photo woolf
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