“Uh, yeah Barbie, it’s called the ‘longhouse.’ My frog friends told me about it. And Lomez wrote about it in First Things.”
Uploaded by Philipp Jul 25, 2023 at 12:55PM EDT
the longhouse matriarchy feminism
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I love that Gerwig made Barbie to own the chuds but it’s just a movie about THE “literally me” guy and his friends defeating the Longhouse
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People fixate on some megalithic abstraction like "the patriarchy" "capitalism" "the jews" "the longhouse" and decide it's the reason they are unhappy. Any attempt to dislodge their ideological convictions fails because at root, their counterargument is "
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The longhouse matriarch when she is informed that the local Hunter gatherers they sacrifice have learned how to smelt copper weapons
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The Longhouse - “Uh, yeah Barbie, it’s called the ‘longhouse.’ My frog friends told me about it. And Lomez wrote about it in First Things.”
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