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21 Views Created 6 months ago By Reddit Moments • Updated 6 months ago

Created By Reddit Moments • Updated 6 months ago

6:48 Vaccinated x3. I don't f--- with anti vaxers. If you support the "freedom convoy", or any sort of racist, white nationalist movement, we are not compatible and I think you should launch yourself into the sun. I won't tolerate transphobia, sexism, fat phobia, ableism, Islamaphobia, etc. I sell edibles. Want some? Dm me and support local T have OF now too, ask me for it Not into hookups right now. I'm looking for genuine connections. I have oral/genital herpes and I'm not ashamed of it. Most people will judge me for having a virus they truly know nothing about & probably have themselves. 5-6 billion ppl on earth have herpes. the most common way to experience herpes is to never have an outbreak (only a small % of people with herpes get outbreaks - the majority are asymptomatic and can still pass the virus on without ever getting physical symptoms). HSV (herpes) isn't included in your STI panel - I'm serious ask your doctor. Stop saying you're clean when your STI test comes back negative, just say you're negative! I'm not dirty for living with an STI- technically most people on earth do, and don't even get me started on HPV (most ppl have that too). Educate yourselves & do your research. Coldsores, chicken pox, & shingles are also herpes! Thanks for coming to my Ted talk She/they Cat parent ASD/ADHD ACAB R9% Б. Polyamorous Findom looking for a ningu oc
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