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Rogue Wisdom
Rogue Wisdom

in reply to AlexanderMugetsu

In a nutshell:

Falsified trailer graphics

Plagiarised cinematic details (including having its title look very like The Last of Us even though it has nothing to do with it)

Appears to use only publicly available Unity assets (which in itself isn't criminal, but it implies it was all done on the cheap)

Lacks very basic game mechanics, such as being able to vault over short walls

Promised to be an MMO, then devs attempted to scrub all info of that after release day when it turned out to not be one.

Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

2023 managed to be a year with both absolutely amazing games (Baldur's Gate 3, Pizza Tower, Tears of the Kingdom, Spider-Man 2, RE4 remake, and so much more) and some infamous stinkers (seen above), and both of which will be remembered for years to come.


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