This joke is rapidly becoming one of my favorite things about 2023.
Uploaded by Philipp Dec 28, 2023 at 10:34AM EST
moneyball elrond brad pitt the lord of the rings lotr fellowship of the ring billy beane hobbits
Origin Entry: Elrond Putting Together the Fellowship Roster / Moneyball x LOTR
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File size: 377 KB
The lord of the rings/moneyball jokes are truly one of my favorite things in a while thank you
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Elrond, this is Gimli, Son of Gloin. He’s filthy with an axe and can kill just as many Uruk-hai as Legolas.
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"If we give Tom Bombadil the ring, he'll just forget he has it. No, we take his 1 spot and bring in *sharpie noises* 4 halflings."
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“You can’t just sign four hobbit halflings to vet minimums to round out the fellowship roster and expect to contend with Lord Sauron for the pennant”
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Elrond Putting Together the Fellowship Roster / Moneyball x LOTR - This joke is rapidly becoming one of my favorite things about 2023.
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