Leaked Story Part 3 | 'Coyote vs. Acme' Cancelation Controversy | Know Your Meme
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88 Views Created 3 months ago By KZN02 • Updated 3 months ago

Created By KZN02 • Updated 3 months ago

0011 1000 101 Search... 24. Paige sees this as a potential huge break in the case, but Avery tells her to temper her expectations. They argue and Paige tells Avery that she used to look up to him, but after seeing how he works, doesn't believe in him any more. He realises she's right. Avery takes a drive with Wile and tells him about his backstory, why he wanted to be a lawyer, why he lost his enthusiasm, etc etc. Avery went to a top legal school with Buddy. Once he passed the bar and became a lawyer for real, he couldn't win any cases despite being top of his class, and grew jaded about his own skill. Wile takes the car to a canyon edge and makes a show of trying to jump off the cliff to the other side, failing every time, but keeping at it. Avery realises Wile's point give up, no matter how impossible it seems. LOGIN - SIGN UP never 25. 26. They return to the motel room, and Avery catches a glimpse of Wile's real plan the entire legal suit is all just a ploy to get the Road Runner on the witness stand so Wile can catch him. 27. 28. Paige looks into Project Sisyphus and finds a lead connecting it to "Dr. Lorre", as well as an address connected to him. Avery and Paige head there, where they meet Granny the old woman from the Sylvester and Tweety cartoons. She tells them that she was married to Dr. Lorre long ago. He worked at Acme helping develop their Animated Products line, but became dissatisfied with the work before suddenly disappearing in 1985. Granny tells them that she's recently been recieving messages from an unknown caller, and plays back a voicemail Bugs Bunny. Avery recognises the voice and Granny leaves them the tape. They are secretly photographed leaving the house by Acme. 29. 30. At the Acme legal offices, Foghorn Leghorn tells Buddy that Avery knows too much, and that he is sending in the "big guns" after him. An offscreen assassin throws a bomb through Paige's window, but she survives the attempt. Playing back the Bugs Bunny tape, Wile hears something in the background, and filters the sound to uncover a music track playing in the background, which Avery traces to the Albuquerque Annual Carrot Festival. 31. 32. Heading to the carrot festival grounds, they encounter a shadowy figure. He speaks in the Bugs Bunny voice, but it's not actually Bugs it's Dr. Lorre, still alive and speaking through a voice filter. Lorre explains the background of Project Sisyphus. In the 1980s, Foghorn Leghorn was brought into the Acme Animated Products department and made numerous changes, beginning dangerous, painful tests on the cartoons. Cartoon characters and


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