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125 Views Created about a month ago By sakshi • Updated about a month ago

Created By sakshi • Updated about a month ago

Anonymous 12/21/12/(Fri)22:42:51 UTC-8 No.44227629 File: 1356158571218.png-(97 KB, 207x383, maz.png) G I Replies: >>44227825 >>44227826 You guys keep calling Maz a bro, but I think you anons fail to "she" how f------ bro Maz really is. This m------------ ALWAYS has Guy's back. When Maz found out his best friend was dressing like a slut, did he go to the schoolyard and tell all the kids? No, he didn't. He had a quick laugh and continued being that w----'s friend, 'cause that's what friends are for. This sonofabitch always helps Guy out whenever he can, even when it means coming up with a costume on the spot. He doesn't stop there, no way, he goes the whole goddamn mile and risks his life when Guy is in danger. That takes a cuntload of courage. Backing up Guy when he has an argument, or giving that bitch some advice when he needs it. How does Maz know that that prissy has a chest hair named Charlie? Because Guy trusts him. You see /co/, Guy can't work properly without Maz. Maz is the hero /co/wants, but can't have. Pic related: That m------------ right there.
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