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Shovel Knight - Shovel Knight DX Announcement Be Like

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When Shovel Knight first Came Out:

GTA5 was not yet on the PS4 or the Xbox One.

The Ouya was still in business.

Halo was a prestigious franchise.

Gamergate was only known as a type of ant.

The anime adaptations of Tokyo Ghoul, Your Lie in April, and Unlimited Blade Works weren't out yet.

Robin Williams, Christopher Lee, and Leonard Nimoy were alive.

Nobody knew what an Ice Bucket challenge was.

Disney had a genuine lack of LGBT characters in their products.

Moby The Duck
Moby The Duck

I made the exact same joke on some reddit thread.

Its literally all Yatch Club has. Literally every other game they released so far was Shovel Knight and THREE Shovel Knight spinoffs, plus money from whatever cameos it makes. And now a remake of Shovel Knight will arrive before their second IP game.

They even broke their promise of free DLC and started to charge more for the regular edition.

Will they give the Treasure Trove owners something? Will people have to buy each part of Treasure Trove as it releases? Will they start with a smaller price then increase as the DLCs arrive, or will they massively overcharge it from day 1?


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