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19 Views Created 6 days ago By sakshi • Updated 6 days ago

Created By sakshi • Updated 6 days ago

... August 22, 2017 How do you deal with family that disapproves and doesn't understand Unschooling? Actually they don't even approve of homeschool. I don't even talk about my unschooling beliefs cause that would just be too much. First off my partner doesn't approve but he's not stopping me from doing it. But he wants to see work. He gets upset cause he thinks that we all sleep in and that the kids will video games all day. And then there's the fact that my two sons are "behind". My older son has done some public schooling and was in special education. And my younger son has the same issues he did at that age, but in addition is more emotionally delayed. He only recently was fully potty trained and is kindergarten age. My older son is 3rd grade age and can't read very well. I think he actually can read more than he chooses. I believe he's been totally turned off from reading because it was shoved down his throat daily and he was in special classes outside of his regular classroom to work on his reading skills. So now he doesn't want to read. I try to explain that but he doesn't get it. And then just the other day I was texting my older sister And she asked if the kids were in school. I said I was homeschooling again. And she basically cursed me out, talked down to me like I'm a child and used my emotional issues that i recently opened up to her about to say thats why i keep my kids home or something. It was hurtful on so many levels. She's a really open minded person. We agree on so many things. I knew she wasn't into the idea of homeschool but i never expected such an aggressive and hurtful reaction. I told her i don't need to defend myself about how i choose to raise my children. I just feel really hurt and alone in my beliefs. But i know that school isn't for my kids. Last year my oldest did half a year of public school and i saw the steady decline in his emotional health. He was beginning to become depressed. And my younger son is emotionally more like a 3 or 4 year old. I think the large classroom, and being away from home would be too much. He has anger outbursts and is also academically behind. He also gets extremely upset and down on himself if he's not good at something. I fear that going to school would completely wreck his self esteem and he would act out. And probably label himself as the "bad kid". Sorry I'm just kind of venting. Any advice on dealing with opposition when you are not a confrontational person? 7 12 Comments
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Radical Unschooling




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