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happy anniversary to the dave matthews band poop bus incident
Uploaded by Mateus Aug 07, 2024 at 09:21AM EDT
dave matthews band chicago poop incident dave matthews band poop incident bus feces incident
Origin Entry: Dave Matthews Band Chicago River Poop Incident
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"Today is the 16th anniversary of that one time the Dave Matthews Band dumped 800 pounds of poop on a boat full of people on the Chicago River."
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"Idk why more people don't talk about this but in 2004 the Dave Matthews Band tour bus dumped 800 pounds of poop off a bridge onto a Chicago River sightseeing boat full of people as if no one would notice and its the funniest thing that's ever happened."
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20 years ago this week, the Dave Matthews Band dumped 800 pounds of poop on people taking a cruise on the Chicago River. 💩
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Dave Matthews Band Chicago River Poop Incident - happy anniversary to the dave matthews band poop bus incident
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