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Cosplay - "You can absolutely cosplay!!! Both of these are fictional characters :)"

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The fear of "cultural appropriation" has to be one of the biggest self-imposed cockblock I've seen on the internet.

Unless you intent to mock, desecrate or be a a dick with it somehow, you can use whatever inspiration to do whatever you want. Your blood giving you specific priviledges and right is not a situation I would like to return to.


in reply to Eldaln

Tell me about it. All this talk about "privilege" and what privileges everyone has is like… have we forgotten about intent? Why are we all walking on eggshells just because a certain subset of histrionic children have forgotten that most people they accuse of cultural appropriation very likely had zero intent to offend anyone?

I mean goddamn, remember when they tried to push that BS "microaggressions" term on us?


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