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To the Feds, I'll keep this short, because I do respect what you do for our country…
Uploaded by Owen Dec 11, 2024 at 11:47AM EST
luigi mangione uhc unitedhealthcare luigi mangione unitedhealthcare shooter unitedhealthcare shooter unitedhealthcare ceo united healthcare luigi mangione arrest theory conspiracy conspiracy theory
Origin Entry: Luigi Mangione Is Not the Shooter Conspiracy Theory
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I'll swallow my pride and admit I bought into the theory Mangione was motivated by crippling back pain without considering he got away on a bicycle.
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If you honestly believe this bs story that they found the United Healthcare CEO’s killer FIVE days later still wearing the same clothes with the murder weapon on him, and a fucking written manifesto in his pocket, your functionally low I.Q.
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I have a theory that there is multiple people involved, but Luigi is taking the wrap for it cause he is the richest and most privileged one of them all
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like did we forget that the government be framing people all that time? either they’re in on it or they’re embarrassed and being forced to find a culprit.
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Luigi Mangione Is Not the Shooter Conspiracy Theory - To the Feds, I'll keep this short, because I do respect what you do for our country…
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