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If the fucking thing at least worked, we would reluctantly switch over to it so we don't have to deal with the glitches of the old UI… but the new one is even glitchier, more cumbersome and less usable than the old one on top of being ugly as fuck!😡

If you can't get the thing on proper working order, then stop shoving it down our fucking throats.

Excitebot theLEGO
Excitebot theLEGO

Okay. Guys. Like, I'd get it if you guys at KYM wanted to streamline some things about how the images are juxtaposed, keep them organized, or what have you. I'm even okay with cropping images. Hell, I'd even go as far to personally suggest the idea of giving a gifs a special tag so they don't play unless you hover over the image on trending. I'd totally understand any of that, because let's face it, this place chugs resources significantly more than most other websites I frequent. Those are acceptable losses I can take for the sake of efficiency.

But come on, guys.

You have somehow made an EVEN LESS user-friendly experience than this place already was. Now I struggle to upvote unless I'm on desktop, and even then it's a crapshoot at times. Favoriting images is now a pain in the ass. The upvotes and favorite counts DON'T EVEN DISPLAY at times, depending on the U.I. that shows up… THE U.I. SWITCHING BACK AND FORTH – CONSTANTLY – BEING A THING IN THE FIRST PLACE. WHY IS THAT A THING????

And you guys still can't be bothered to give an "edit" button. Jesus Christ: Superstar Saga, make it make sense.


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