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Gaming - Just because my driveaway can hold 4 cars doesn't mean I'm okay with a tank being parked in it.

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Meanwhile Monolithsoft releasing a remaster of Xenoblade chronicles X, a massive JRPG with tons of content in its base game, with updated models and textures, and more content and they end up with a much lower file size than the original game
22.7 GB on Wii U
13.4 GB on Switch

Compression is possible, but most dev's nowadays are comfortable dropping uncompressed, unoptimized assets to their engines and call it a day
Leaving users to have to decide which game they have to keep installed to make space for their unoptimized garbage

No game should be over 100gb
even 70 GB games are pushing it and rarely have more meaningful content than games from the PS2/GC era


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