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369 Views Created 11 years ago By Gammerick • Updated 6 years ago

Created By Gammerick • Updated 6 years ago

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erf 10/07/12(Sun)23:41 No.4921696 Replies 4921794 lt was late -lt was late and the moon was high above Equestria >And inside a building, a purple unicom was bustling around a lab Various instruments boiled and bubbled being sure to be Time was of the e No mistakes could be aforded >As he had always been there for her, she would be there for hinm She had to It was >As soon as she hatched him, she had a responsibility To raise him, and protect him >To make sure he would outlive her -lt was her >She never backed away from responsibility □ erf 10/07/12(Sun)23:48 No.4921794 Replies: 쯔4922071 >Twilight poured two coloured liquids together She prayed for cyan She held her breath She c -it was as if the solution was mocking her >She knew she had measured everything correctly, it was time to move on She started again >There was a poof behind her lt was a lt was short, the writer must have had a hard time, well, writing -It was He wanted to see her >"If only one last time" was what he wrote >She very much contimplated staying and trying to finish But she wouldn't disrespect hinm And she knew the chances of making a cure were. >With a bit of effort, her horn glowed and the labratory was soon empty -The letter drifted to the floor She never went back in there □ erf 10/08/12(Mon)00:05 No.4922071 Replies 4922379 The library was quiet, and a small fire popped and crackled in the fireplace lt created a cozy feeling >"Do you think she'll come?" Spike asked "Of course sugarcube, I'm sure Twilight wil be here soon" >Applejack was asked (and honored) to look after Spike while Twilight tried her hooves at making a cure Spike was He didn't want to feel alone >Applejack, initially startled, patted his head >She felt it spoke more than anything she could say >There was a noise downstairs She stood at the door, smiling Weakly but still smiling " be outside, allright Spike?" >Twilight thanked her as she trotted off □ erf 10/08/12(Mon)00:23 No 4922379 Reples: >>4922506 >"Still think all the ponies here are crazy?" Spike joked >Twilight laughed probably more than she should have >lt felt good to laugh, at a time like this >"No, I think they're very nice" she finished >Her smile disappeared, Spike was looking around the room hesitanthy > just..Il just want to say I'm sorry, for getting sick and everything t froze >Him, apologize? How could he even think this was his fault? > know you love spending time with your friends rm sorry you've been so busy with >lt pierced deeper >Despite all of the feats of magic she had pulled off, despite every villian she had foiled >Keeping her composure took more effort than all of those combined >"Spike, you have no reason to feel upset. No reason to feel guilty >The young dragon looked unsure >"And don't tell them Spike" she whispered as she leaned in > You're my favourite out of all of them" she smiled again > Well, then I kind of feel bad. >"Because Rarity is my favorite" he laughed >Twilight smirked, and gave him a playful shake Just like old times she thought erf 10/08/12(Mon)00:31 No.4922506 Replies: Twilight, fully concerned again, sat on the bed and cradled his head She stroked hinm k you" he said s She felt warm, he felt safe Ard for a moment, everything was as "Happy birthday Twilight should be 1 got you something, it's downstairs, lemme get it for you" he began to sit up >Twilight gently held him down >"No no no, you just get some rest. I think I can manage it on my own Spike, who was a >"Now you get some sleep, we can celebrate my birthday tomorrow ok?" Promise you'll wake me when you open your present? Spike agreed Spike sat up and gave the purple unicom a She r The fire crackled and whizzed Twilight stroked Spike's back in kind, giving him a loving His arm slid down her back He felt different >He felt heavier now No. >No She leaned him back His eyes were glassy Thei He was gone □ erf 10/08/12(Mon)00:35 No.4922597 Replies:兰4922096 Twilight sat there, unable to move, unable to speak, unable to think Spike was laying peacefully on the bed looked as if a subtle nudge could wake him up >She nudged him >He remained still again She kissed his forehead □ erf 10/08/12(Mon)00:41 No.4922696 Reples》4922m 4922zza 4922610兰49228並씌92307 4924081 Downstairs she found his gift >lt was a picture of them together, from one of Twilight's show and tells at school >Spike had set the tests on fire >The teacher looked absolutely mortified >The children looked delighted though >What can I say, that hasnt already been said? >If I never get to say this to you in person, I just want you to knovw l wouldn't of had it any other way >Never think that you failed me, that it was your faul That would be a silly thing to think >And remember, if you ever need me, you know where I'll be >Ill always Love s be with you She read it over a few more times She didnt know what to do >She started to cry >Perhaps later, she would think of something


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