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Image #498,240
Uploaded by Fresh Prince of Nohr Feb 13, 2013 at 09:02AM EST
james pikachu magikarp jessie reggie lucario gardevoir sudowoodo meowth octillery feebas misdreavus shuckle buizel chimchar pachirisu turtwig drifloon bronzong swinub shellos glameow bibarel buneary marina team galactic trainer dawn trainer paul champion cynthia croagunk gym leader roark trainer brock staravia gym leader maylene gym leader gardenia mime jr ambipom happiny cacnea paige gligar trainer ash trainer cheryl mother johanna trainer zoey galactic commander saturn elite four lucian trainer kenny trainer conway rocket jessie rocket james rocket cassidy trainer mira pokemon hunter j trainer nando trainer leona hippopotas gary oak marble jenny
Origin Entry: Pokémon
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