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Mind rending image aside, as expansive as the Cars universe may be, there are still plenty of questions left unanswered. Where do all the cars come from? Are they built or born? What determines what kind of car you turn out to be?

Rune Spark
Rune Spark

how do cars even have sex, wouldn't that dent and scratch the top?
what about the tiny buggy cars, are they sentient, do they get jobs?
do you have to get a job as an officer if you are born a police cruiser?
well clearly they can repair cars to a certain points, sort of like surgery but they can die, so like cars are born?
do the cars grow as they get older?
could they make another car out of pieces, would that be cloning?
well the cars have eyes teeth and a mouth, does that mean the cars have organs on the inside?
we've seen cars take gasoline through the mouth and through the gas port normally, is there a difference between the two methods?
why am i asking so many questions about Cars?


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