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If you like EQG, that’s fine. That’s your prerogative. Everyone has different taste and preferences. All I ask is that those who like it are honest about why they like it.

I did not like it.The way I see it, if EQG had to stand alone as an independent project, completely unrelated to MLP, most of us would’ve just written it off for what it was and moved on.

If you like it because of the story, writing, animation, etc., then I respect that. I may not understand that perspective, and I may very much disagree, but I respect that opinion.

On the other hand, if the only real reason you like it is because your perception of the movie was filtered through a thick pair of rose-colored glasses, then that’s not okay. That’s just the definition of blind fanaticism.

I just really don’t understand why it receives as much affection as it does, considering what it is.


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