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1. What the hell are people searching that they turn up porn every time? I often search for reaction images on google images or particular frames and I've yet to return any porn (at least on the 1st page results) and places like say Derpibooru have a very strict filter.

2. "Fear they may be associated with anything female focussed", now that is just dead wrong, that ship sailed when we started calling ourselves that. We are associated with literally nothing else but a thing that is female focussed.

3. The target demographic also appreciates the animation and story, even if they can't put it into words. That said plenty of the bronies just liked it and all the things about animation and whatnot were post-hoc justification.

4. Yes. We are terrified, many fear the patriarchal label of girly, but trust me the label doesn't do anything for that, it's just a name that stuck, there were some other candidates back in the day.


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