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>going to get canceled anyway
>get canceled anyway

I see you're still on the "denial" railcar of the ride. The sooner you accept it's never ending, the better.

Your daily reminder Gen 4 has been confirmed by a Senior VP of Hasbro to go on until at least 2019.


It's funny because it's true, I mean hell Hasbro didn't really even give a flying fuck about how this show was going to go except for the fact that they wanted it to air. Lauren Faust came in to try and pitch her Milky Way toys/show/empire and they just handed her a copy of a G3 movie and basically said "Just make something like this instead."

It wasn't until Faust actually put effort into it (something they probably didn't expect someone to do with My Little Pony of all things) and made it into a HUGE success did they actually give the show a second glance. Let's be honest though, Hasbro is a toy company first, animation/movie company second. The Transformers movies, Friendship is Magic, G.I. Joe all of those are just REALLY expensive commercials for Hasbro, hell you won't even see them advertise My Little Pony toys during airings of My Little Pony because the advertisers know that as well. I think we should all just be happy that they're actually giving us a "Commercial" that is actually legitimately good and not one of those Transformers or GI Joe movies before we all get our panties in a knot about a company being a company.


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