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The Doom Slayer
The Doom Slayer

Okay, this legitimately hits close to home. My dad's a cop, his dad's a cop, and you get the point. My dad's family line has been filled with cops. One of my friend's dad IS a cop. I watch Adam-12 and Dragnet every now and again. I'm SURROUNDED by cops. And seeing this reminds me how depressing our society's become. People forget that the only reason cops are around is to protect them from criminals. I mean, what would you rather they do_? Sit back and do NOTHING while robbers barge into your home, gut you, and steal all of your valuables? *_FUCK NO*! They come in, and SAVE YOUR GODDAMN LIFE. Sure, they screw up, but that's because they're people, too. And the public forgets about that, and sees just the badges. They see 'pigs' that tell them what to do. Guess what? This isn't FUCKING ANIMAL FARM. We don't have Napoleon in city hall, selling horses to the butcher for whiskey. We have REAL FUCKING PEOPLE, with REAL FUCKING FEELINGS. So, if a cop comes up to you, and you know you've done nothing wrong, then they probably made a mistake. There's no corruption in law enforcement. Wait, nevermind. There is. It's also why cops come in PAIRS.


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