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Feminism - BUT TUMBLR FEMI-*claps hand over mouth* Look at the fucking URL and put down the straw kiddo

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in reply to xenu

The reason why we advocate for education on consent is because we know men are good and capable of understanding that concept when taught.

The reason why victim blaming is an issue among feminists is because we know that men can control themselves around women, so the "oh well you were wearing a short dress" excuse doesn't hold water.

I'm willing to estimate that 80% of feminist ideology relies on the assumption that men are inherently good people capable of being reasoned with.


The assumption that men can't control themselves is a central tenet of victim blaming. If the attacker is male, then apparently he has zero control over himself and all responsibility for the rape lies on the victim. If the victim is male, it's not "real rape" because men apparently always want it. So yeah, anyone who does some research into rape culture is going to find this really quickly.


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