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Noahs Bank 3
Noahs Bank 3

I love this anime. I love this anime to death. However every time i think about it I generally get pissed off. Why? Its short. 12 episodes. Its all we get. The freaking anime explicitly says that everyone in this show has a story to tell. Characters that are interesting and human that are full of thoughts and ideas and aspirations. But they ended it. With twelve episodes. If there ever was a show with an extreme amount of ships and the ability to actually work with them, this would definitely be it. I'm not kidding…

This was the potential that this anime had…but it ended and all we have left was the OVA. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed it but it left me hungry, angry, but most of all HANGRY for more…

I ramble…

TL;DR… i love this anime but mad cuz its so short. if you disagree with me… then i cant do nothing about it. So good day.


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