#GameOverGate Rebuttal | GamerGate | Know Your Meme
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663 Views Created 9 years ago By superderper • Updated 6 years ago

Created By superderper • Updated 6 years ago

RE: Regarding 4chan Request To: Archon Sent: 6Sep 201410:33 pm I understand that after your appearance on IRC and the question list being published, you have received a few sets of answers. Since you've sent the question list to me l'd like to add my own list of compiled answers. I hope that you are not being overwhelmed 1. Are the screenshots that Quinn posted authentic logs of discussions happening on 4Chan IRC channels? (lt looks like they are from several different IRC channels) All of them are virtually out of context, the entire log can be found at but it's a hefty chunk. 2 Are the members posting in those screenshots recognized members of 4Chan by their peers? There are no peers and no members on 4chan. Even you could go to one of these threads now, post an inflammatory statement and no one would be the wiser. This total anonymity means that anything happening on 4chan has its share of bad eggs - people who disagree with the topic trying to give it a bad name 2a. Does 4Chan disclaim any of them as shills? Anyone who suggests any sort of violence, or (in the past two weeks) any sort of action related to Zoe Quinn is labeled a shill almost immediately. This hasn't been about them for a good while now and anyone trying to divert attention back to them is turned on. 3. Is 4Chan willing and able to provide complete (unedited) logs of any or all of the IRC chat rooms that Quinn has posted excerpts from? 4. Do any members of 4Chan wish to make a statement about Quinn's latest allegation? ste 4a. What are the objectives that members of 4Chan have with regards to its involvement in #GamerGate? We do not want journalists publish clickbait and inflammatory articles without making a proper research into the matter first. We do not want journalists to publish their opinion pieces without a propertag and we do not want them to silence and bully dissent to their views. If they want to critique games in broader cultural scope, we should be able to be critical of them. In addition, we want professional repercussions and official apologies from those involved as well as more actual reporting, journalism, integrity and discussion. 4b. Does the 4Chan community believe that social justice activists, feminists, leftists, progressives, or other factions are pernicious influences on gaming? If so, why? Not in the slightest. We believe that the radical portion of any movement is pernicious to any aspect it relates to. Any activist who debates using logic and reason, and isn't blinded by their views is a positive force There is absolutely nothing wrong with equality, diversity, representation or presentation in fictional media, or critiquing the culture around it. However, there is no counter voice. Any dissenting opinion or view is easily labeled misogynistic, racist etc on mere whims and used instead of addressing the actual issue, and thus artists, developers etc face moral guidance what they are allowed to express. Denying and misrepresenting issues will not make them go away, and in every other accepted "art form" critics usually support artists even if they disagree with their works. Game journalism behaves the opposite, and anything that is not considered moral purity and the bulletin truth is the Devil itself 4c. Does the 4Chan community believe that abuse and harassment are legitimate tactics to achieving its objectives? Absolutely not. People posting suggestions of even tangential harassment are very quickly turned on. Civility is constantly encouraged, but is impossible to enforce. Due to the nature of 4chan anyone can come and post anything vulgar or offensive. 5. Is it true that 4Chan has prepared a blacklist of websites that it is urging people not to patronize Rather than a blacklist, a whitelist has been ciculating around, namely this: Sites which were labeled "bad" and visiting which has been discouraged include Kotaku, Destructoid, Joystiq. PCGamer, Rock Paper Shotgun and a few more. 5a. If so, what is the criteria for this list? Sites that portrayed #GamerGate as misogynistic as well as sites that were part of the gamers are dead" campaign are the bulk of it. In general, all sites that do not show or enforce journalistic integrity within their ranks are ill-favored and visiting them is discouraged. 6. Do any members of 4Chan wish to make a statement about allegations that they have abused and harassed Zoe Quinn or others? No one has ever claimed to have harassed or even contacted Zoe Quinn. As discussed in previous answers, anyone can post on 4chan. Perhaps some of the people there HAVE harassed someone but they are in the extreme minority and not representative of the overall community It is important however to understand the reason why the people on 4chan are less than eager to accept claims of harassment without proof. As you can see here: Zoe Quinn is no stranger to neither harassment no disinformation, so people questioned her claims of harassment. However, all of this is thrown aside and labeled as "victim blaming, automatically discrediting and shaming the people who questioned her. If Zoe or anyone else has indeed been harassed by people claiming to be from 4chan be assured that those people are, and never will be accepted by the ones that keep the #GamerGate discussion alive on 4chan. 7. Anything I missed? Most importantly, not a single website that has been suspected of nepotism and corruption has even mentioned The Fine Young Capitalist https://www.indiegogo.com/proiects/the-fine-young-capitalists-2), most likely as a result of this whole affair. There is honestly so much I'd like to put here-the ridiculous statements by Bob Chipman, the countless evidence of nepotism, Anthony Burch's and Phil Fish's ludicrous statements severely insulting their own fans etc. but then this post would be a lot longer With all of this being said, I would like to add in my own PERSONAL statement not pertaining to 4chan or anyone from 4chan: http://www.camnesia.com/articles/i-am亡 There you will find many more examples of said nepotism and the things that #GamerGate is trying to fight against.
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