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That is by no means average feminism. Feminism is about equal rights for women and all that. That #killallmen is straight up extreme misandry. Don't lump in these psychos with people like Christina Sommers.


in reply to aNueUtsuho

"innocent straw"


If they are a straw feminist, they are consciously or not undermining their own cause and are therefore not innocent. If anything, real feminists should be calling these assholes out so that their cause stays respectable and focused. Other people calling it out only highlights the movement's failure to regulate itself.

Also that "If you're not a misogynist, you're a feminist" claim is bullshit. I can't say "If you're not a misandrist, you're a men's right activist" to feminists without sounding like a complete knob. Be seen as a proponent of actual equality and justice, or be seen as a biased hypocrite. As much as you want to, you can't have it both ways.


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