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GamerGate - Cracked's JF Sargeant misinformed about GamerGate's chronology

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Yeah, hey, here’s the thing: If you ask a bunch of different people with different levels of knowledge on the issue a bunch of different questions, then – get this – you’ll get a bunch of different answers.

It should be noted that J.F. Sargent has written at least one Cracked article about video games being racist, sexist, homophobic, or whatever other buzz word he pulled out of a hat that day. His “evidence” for those things were either taken completely out of context (saying Skyrim was racist for giving Redguards an Intellect penalty, while ignoring both the story-based reasons for that and the fact that the Nords got the same penalty) or just straight factually wrong (saying that asari from Mass Effect were a race of all-female strippers, proving he’d played maybe twenty minutes of the first game before spouting off). When he got called out on it, he simply called his critics losers and virgins. Soooo that’s the caliber of discussion this guy brings.


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