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GamerGate - That dumb 2,500 signed card was complete fabrication

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in reply to Platus

Because this is proof that the very purpose of the letter is a lie.

It's proof that it was never about making video games a less hostile place to promote good will and kind behaviour, but a personal letter of support for a single person.

This isn't a bad thing on it's own, but the context it was used in directly accused us of being harassers and evil misogyinsts when gamers just wanted a voice and some insight into what was going on.

Also doesn't help that the 2,500 number was bloated by friends of friends of developers instead of actual developers when it was publicized as such.

It just puts, yet again, the ethics of their actions into question.


in reply to Platus

Someone from the group shared the e-mails with Milo.
The problem with that "letter" was that some of the names were:
A. People who barely had ties to the industry or ties that were not confirmed
B. People who had actively harassed others
(There are be comments and images here talking about this weeks ago. Before you ask me for evidence)
Some of the e-mails may give credence that some of the names may have been added unwittingly added to the list and that the lsit wasn't made in good faith but in support of Zoe.


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