NicheGamer Article By Brandon Orselli. Dated October 2, 2014 | GamerGate | Know Your Meme
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1735 Views Created 9 years ago By AlphaHeisenbadger • Updated 6 years ago

Created By AlphaHeisenbadger • Updated 6 years ago

The Labeling of #GamerGate Must Stop, a Plea for Reason BY BRANDON ORSELL』ON OCTOBER 2. 2014 AT a 57 PM @BRANDONORSELLI A loc of the recent and older editorial spins that Ive seen taken by ather websites and ocher journalsts regarding GamerGate and its demographic have just gotten me p----- off, and ultimately confused. Not only are these people trying to spin the narrative into a movement of hate and misogyny, they're also labeling everyone, ignoring any individuality Let me explain my confusion with a briet description ot myselt, where I come from, and how lide was lke for me. I have naturally have oliva/tan skin, although Im essentially half Italian and half German. Despite this, growing up I've basically heard everything but white thrown at me, as a label. Here in America, I get called Latino, Black (mixed or not), or even Jewish- whatever that means lthat's not even a race). In Europe I get called an ethnic Gypsy. In China Iget called Middle Eastern all of these mislabels and judging from complete strangers, just because I dont have white skin or blonde hair, or wharever you consider to be "Caucasian Here's a picture to reinforce how much of an unabated WAP, or Daygo, or whatever derogatory and nonsensical term people might use against American Italians That's a lot of spaghetti! Can't forget the Parmigiano! I was STUFFED after eating that plate Anyway, back on topic. Im making note of this because if you didn't know me, you'd easily try to label me in some way,because thar's what people like to do People lke to categorize things and make them familiar in a sense, because having unknown things makes people uncomfortable. To remove thR unknown factors, anti.#GamerGate folk simply lump everyone together into the same group, to make their arguments easier I think were seeing this happen with the opponents and the very groups/individuals that #GamerGate is attempting to fight These people don't further their agenda and their campaign unless they consolidate everyone into one homogeneous, misogynist, cis-white-male war machine that is hell bent on-chasing women out of the gaming industry . Reading that to yourself, doesnt that just sound complataly ridiculous? That's not what uGamerGate is about and 4GamerGate has never been about this. To say that the movement has ever been about this is not only disingenuous, it's ignorant and cleverly oblivious to the facc that many women, non-white and non-heterosexual individuals stand proudly behind the movement. All we're asking for is more clarity, more objectivity, a reinforcement of ethics and professionalism, and an end to the gamer shaming that we've been seeing lately These people don't further their agenda and their campaign unless they consolidate everyone into one homogeneous, misogynist, cis-white-male war machine that is hell bent on "chasing women out of the gaming industry The reality is that a multitude of people enjoy video games, people of all races, genders, sexus orientations, political affilations,countries of origin, and so on. Coming from this, all of these different peoples naturally have their own preferences and their own go-to genres for which they find the most enjoyment of Quite a lor of gamers enjoy a myriad of genres, hence why the industry has been fiourishing - because of the diversity we've been able to see in gaming That's not what these people want. These ideologs simply want to keep pushing their malcontent agenda through the gaming industry, and they simply don't care for anything else, and most especially other peoples opinions and or game projects. They simply want to co-opt the garming landscape so that whatever agenda-charged games they create have a better chance at realy making money. The fact of the matter is- these games just don't sell in comparison to other eames Look, Im not sitting here saying that games with an ulterior message or a realy thoroughly provoking one can't exist-they should. What I am saying is chat we lve and participate in a free market, and by surviving in a free m rket, I believe the market wi. dictate what commonly m de. Within gaming, the most popular games tend to be escapist fantasies, whatever the true nature of these fantasies are Inceractive novels thar attempt to educate people on depression (while taking advantage of other peoples depression to markac them) simply dont sell-which is why you'll probably see these games being given away under the guise of good will. This is why you typically see really targeted games being relegated to a niche, which you can probably attribute to our webaite even existing celebrate specialized games and or diversity, so garmes like the should exist The gaming industry thrives off of diversity, and to their discredit, the so called educated critics that cherry-pick examples out of context to shame games they dont agree with are essentially calling for censorship. They may not outwardly be saying "this game shouldn't exist, bur they are cherry picking an example that shouldnt edist, and therefore saying the entire game is wrong for having it in there. Ive seen this strategy used again and again, while no respect is given to the If these people have their way in controlling the narrative in gaming controling which games receive awards and high scores, and controlling which games receive good press-eames like Bayonetta will not only be scored poorly, reported on poorly and under a bias, they'll eventually land I guarantee this) cease to exist Just look at Dragons Crown and the co-opted reviews crying about the artwork-although the deliberate agenda-laden libel ended up helping the game's sales Do you want to live in a worild in which gaming is co-opted in that manner? Do you want to sit idly by and let these charlatans repeatedly cross the line benween professionalism, common-sense ethics, and their own personal biases, in exchange for the furthering of their own careers, or the careers of cheir friends-whether they be fellow journalists or game developers? That's why #GamerGate is stil going strong, because this isa problem that multiple ocher industries, habbies, organizations, and so on have allowed to happen If you sit there and plead with the proponents of #GamerGate to stop and go back to jst playing video games in hopes of being left alone- that's just not going to happen. The issue I(as well as many orher supporters of amerGate] have with their version of "social justice" is that ir's either their way or the highway. Disagree with them and you're oppressing them and preventing change, and their definition of change is always progressive and always good We've heavily invested in this industry and this hobby, and we've put up with all the various outlets, pundits, critics, and agenda-pushers for long enough. Were not going anywhere and were not going to stop until we've either gotten what we want as a colective, or until the opponents have been held accountable for cheir actions and their misdeeds. Seeing Intel and other companies put their ads from the flagrantly offensive websites is a testament to the power of #GameGre I'm pleading with all of you ant-fGamerGate people to stop labeling everyone as you have and continually do. I'm not easily identifiable due to my skin tone and facial features, and nether are gamers due to their wonderful diversity. Throwing them all together in an effort to further your campaign of hate is just disgusting. and I simply hope that it can stop, even if it's at the cost of the jobs of the guilty parties lmage source Catblb, Sketchling
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