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GamerGate - Anti-GG losing, remember not to let them co-opt the movement

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Do not forgive, do not forget. Burn this industry to the ground and rebuild anew. Compromising with corrupt media simply allows them to continue to be corrupt. Keep emailing, keep fighting. I want to see this industry shaken to its knees


I hope they all turn on each other in their last desperate moments. Fighting to throw each other under the bus to avoid taking any blame themselves.

Zoe knows she has the most evidence against her, so she'll probably be the one to try hardest to 'reconcile' with us. Just don't forget, GG, that Zoe has all but been confirmed to be a pathological lier and manipulator. Don't believe her bullshit attempts to apologize. They're hollow and not worth the pixels they're typed on.

She's got a lot to answer for, as does Anita and Brianna. She raped and emotionally abused her boyfriend, has constantly slandered him this entire time, and basically run a hate campaign against us with all her little journalist friends.

I bet you anything she'll do it again in a few years if she is given the chance.


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