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trachy king
trachy king

The members of GamerGate who are discussing the idea of how sites like Polygon approach reviews are viewing it from the standpoint that moral bias should be removed from the review, or at least not impact the score.

A more apt comparison can be made with the movie A Clockwork Orange. To many people, Clockwork Orange has content that goes against their morals. However, it is still a masterfully made movie from all perspectives, be they filming, writing, theme, etc. If Polygon were to review the movie from the way they reviewed Bayonneta 2, they would probably give it a 7.5/10 just because the rape scene was triggering.

The people are advocating for factors that are far more relevant to the medium to be what determines how a game is reviewed, not the moral beliefs of an author.

People really need to stop strawmanning.


Let me think about this for a second. If we assume that AAA titles that received praise across the board would be the equivilent of a big budget movie that everybody liked…and "full of bigotry that feels like in belongs in media several decades ago" equates to at least 30 year in the past…I think I've got something here:

"Hollywood sells out to the patriarchal slime once again, with a movie that has only a handful of confirmed women in its cast. Yes, one of these women is a main character…but only as some kind of DAMSEL IN DISTRESS that establishes a goal for a MAN to save…and then immediatly get HARRASSED by a mysoginistic anti-hero/comic relief. I'm also positive the meathead's entirely-neckbeard friend threw in some insults as well in some kind of foreign ISIS language. There was something about some kind of space powers and laser beam stuff, but the story, effects, music, and everything else was too hard to pay attention to. I quit watching after the "good guys" make a plan to blow up a giant grey space boob planet…which is an INSULT to the female form, but planning to blow it up is the BIGGEST INSULT TO WOMEN EVER.

In summation, Movie Polygon gives "Star Wars" a 7/10."


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